Saturday, 11 October 2008

"Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban"

Starring: Danniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Gary Oldan

Although Rowling wrote Harry Potter 3 in 1996, the film was released in 2004. The story talks about a boy who studied in a Magical School. But that year, Harry Potter, 13 years old, was in danger because a bad prisioner had escaped from jail and was looking for him.

While Harry Potter was sleeping in his bedroom in Hogwarts, Sirius Black, the pisioner, could enter in the castle. But, when he was searching him, Harry escaped.

But, while Sirius was following Harry, he and his friends were looking for the truth of Black. And, while Sirius was planing how catch the boy, Harry was studying for the exams.

Finally, when Black was hiding himself, Potter, Weasley and Granger were going to his hiding place. And, when they were catching Sirius, he told them the truth.

In our opinion, this is an excellent film with impressive special effects.