Thursday, 15 November 2007


  • A volcano in eruption throws lava. This lava can make a tap that closes the volcano. If the volcano is coveerd, the pressure accumulates in the inner part. So the gases and ashes explode.
  • The village and towns near the volcano can be buried by the lava
  • Ashes and gases can poison water
  • Ashes are mortal for animals and vegetables
  • The eruption can alter the climateThe volcanos near the coastcan produce tsunamis
  • Don't build cities and towns near a volcano
  • You must have an emergency plan ( alarm systems, slopings roof, no wood, gas masks)

Peace Day

Ideas For Peace:
Protect the world
Be together
Protect Nature
No wars
No discrimination
Protect Peace
Only one world

The dove is the principal symbol of Peace

Imagine there is not discrimination
A world without diference and possessions
Where everybody thinks the same
and there is not disagreement
Or discussions in all the world

Madre Teresa de Calcuta and Mahatma Gandhi fought for Peace