Places:- Which is the first Wonder of the World?
- How long is the Eiffel Tower?
People:- Who is the oldest living person?
- Why does walking under a ladder brings bad luck?
Things:- Who invented the TV
- Which is the most useless invent?
Plants and Animals:- How many animals speciesare in the world?
- Which is the biggest tree in the world?
Eventually, Arthur returns to Hythe and Jonathan and Mina doesn't say anyhing to him about their fears. However, they read the newspaper every day. Finally, Jonathan reads that childrens are being hijacked by a Beautiful Lady in Hythe. Childrens appear incredibly pale and with red marks on their throats. Jonathan and Mina think that the Beatiful Lady was Lucy so they inmediately call Professor Van Helsing, who tells them that Lucy is a vampire, and that they must to destroy her. They go to Hythe, where they tell Arthur what they are going to do. Although Arthur doesn't believe them, he accept when Jonathan tell him the story about Castle Dracula.
At night, Arthur, Professor and Jonathan go to the churchyard. They stand round Lucy's coffin, but when they open it, Lucy is not there! She needs blood so she is just looking for another victim. Suddenly, she appears. Her eyes are red, and she has blood in their sharp teeth. She tries to kiss Arthur, but fortunately Professor stops her with a cross, and Lucy runs inside the coffin.
They open the coffin again. Van Helsing point a stake et Lucy's heart and Arthur brings a hammer down, pushing the stake into Lucy's body. Finally, they cut off her head, and they close the coffin. Now, Lucy is in peace.
Just after Christmas two years ago Jack and Liza suddenly decided to go somewhere for New Year. They didn't really want to stay in a hotel with crowds of people and they were so delighted when they saw an advertisement in The Sunday Times for a holiday flat in village near Oxford. It was no ordinary flat. However, it was on the top floor of an old Elizabethan mansion. They inmediately booked it, and on New Year's Eve they set off in the car. Although it was raining heavily and freezing cold, they were happy and excited.
They had been driving for nearly three hours when they finally saw the house in the distance. It looked incredibly magnificent with tall chimneys and a long, wide drive. They drove up to the house, went up the steps to the huge front door and knocked loudly. Nothing happened. They knocked again more loudly. Eventually the door opened slowly and a small, wild-looking old lady stood there.
The old lady was wearing a tight low neckline red dress. In one hand she was carrying a large glass of whisky and vodka. The house was absolutely dark. The old lady led Jack and Liza slowly up to the bedroom. There were two huge dogs growling menacingly near the room's door. When they saw the room they couldn't believe their eyes because t
here were Zulma Lovato and Samara Morgan drinking tea. They hurriedly tried to scaped and fell through the window.
When they got outside again the rain had turned to snow. They ran to the car, laughing hysterically. They felt that they had been released from a prison and now they desperately wanted to be with lots of people. They fortunately drove quickly to the next village and just as midnight was striking they found a hotel with a room for the night. "Happy New Year!" cried Jack, as he kissed warmly the surprised receptionist on both cheeks. "You have no idea how beautiful your hotel is!"
What would you do if...?If I had to sing at a karaoke evening, I would hide myself in the bathroom.If I saw a big spider in the bath, I would never take a bath again.If I found a lot of extra money in my bank account, I would buy a new computer.If I met my partner in the street with an ex boyfriend, I would break up with her..
Chapter 5:Arthur visits Mina and Jonathan. He tells them what happened:When he returned from Amsterdam, Lucy was very ill. She was very thin and had awful Lucy, but she didn't answered. Arthur was terrified, and when went to the bedroom, the window was broken. Lucy had pulled the garlic away from her neck. dreams. Her eyes were red, so he called Professor Van Helsing. He exmined her and said Arthur that Lucy had lost a lot of blood. Arthur gave her his blood and she got better. Van Helsing put garlic around Lucy's neck. But one night, while Lucy was sleeping, Arthur went out, and Proffesor stayed in the library. When Arthur returned, Van Helsing was sleeping, and he calledVan Helsing told Arthur she was dying, but they must wake her, because she had not to die in her sleep. She woke up and told Arthur that a man had come to the window and called her. But then, she died. It was horrible. Then, Van Helsing came back to Amsterdam.
Chapter 4:
Mina is waiting for Jonathan and is worried because he hasn't arrive yet. On July, she goes to her friend Lucy's house. Lucy's husband is in Amsterdam, with professor Van Helsing. The two women go out walking every day. But Lucy prefers to walk to an old church on the hill.On 8th August, the weather changes. Lucy is amazed by thunders, and she sits by the window all night. One morning, a ship wrecks on the shore, but there is no one on it, only a dog. The ship is full of big wooden boxes full of earth. Lucy and Mina go to the church, looking for the dog.In the night, Mina wakes up and goes out, looking for Lucy, who is not in her bed. She goes to the church and finds Lucy, whith someone moving behind her. But when Mina reaches her firend, she is alone. Mina can see red marks on Lucy's throat.Lucy becomes ill. Mina wants to send Arthur (Lucy's husband) a telegram, but Lucy doesn't let her.On 19th August, Mina receives a letter from a hospital: Jonathan is safe, but very ill. Mina goes to Budapest. Jonathan doesn't tell her anything about Dracula, but he asks her to marry him in Budapest. On 18th September, they come back London, where they see Count Dracula. Jonathan is terrified again and decides to tell Mina what happened in the Castle, but they receive a telegram from Arthur: Lucy is dead.
Chapter 3:Although the Count has already signed the papers, he don't let Jonathan leave the Castle. Jonathan is terrified, because he can't think clearly. One day, he finds an unlocked room, and as soon as he gets into the room, he felts exhausted and falls asleep. Later, he wakes up and sees three youn women with sharp teeth looking at him. They wants to bit him but Dracula stops them, and Jonathan falls asleep again.On 19th May, Dracula orders Jonathan to write letters to Mina, his girlfriend. The last letter is dated 29th June. In that letter, he tells to Mina that he has already leave the Castle and is on his way home. Jonathan suposes that Dracula will kill him that day.So, on 29th, he follows Dracula to his room, and during the day, he enters there. His room is an old Chapel, full of wooden boxes. Each box is full of earth. One box is covered, and Dracula is sleeping there, with blood in his lips. Suddenly, Jonathan hears shouts, and he runs back to the door, where he listens men hammering down the lids of the boxes. Dracula has scaped to England, and Jonathan decides to leave the Castle, and he climbs out of the window.